Section 1.
The President shall call one (1) Annual Meeting per year of the General Membership. This Meeting shall be held during the month of September. During this meeting, annual reports from the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and all Committees shall be presented to the Membership. Executive Officers and two (2) Board Members will be elected at the Annual Meeting by a secret ballot vote by all eligible voting members present. A ballot shall be presented with the Nominating Committee’s nominations. The ballot will also have space for writing in a nomination, which will also be accepted from the floor.
Section 2.
Quarterly Board Meetings shall take place in January, March, and June of each year. All classifications of membership and the public are welcome and encouraged to attend. A 30 day notice will be given for these meetings. These are Open Meetings.
Section 3.
The Association shall hold not less than two (2) events each year. These events shall feature educational and/or competitive activities that further the Purpose of the Association.
Section 4.
The President or the Secretary may call a business meeting of the Association or of the Board of Directors with fourteen (14) days’ notice. Email notification shall be deemed satisfactory notice for this purpose.
Section 5.
“Robert’s Rules of Order-Revised” shall govern Annual Meeting, Quarterly Meetings, and formal business meetings when not in conflict with these ByLaws.
Section 6.
All regular business shall pass or fail on a simple majority vote. Votes may be called and counted on the basis of a Yay or Nay response, but if there is any doubt, a roll-call verbal answer or written ballot must be used. Votes may be collected only from eligible members present, or by Official Proxy, as put forth in Article VIII, Section 7 of these ByLaws.
Section 7.
Official Proxy shall be recognized upon the presentation of a written and dated document stating name of member requesting proxy, classification of membership, date, and name and classification of member receiving proxy. Proxy must be duly signed by both parties. Proxies may be hand-written, but must be legible, and must be presented before commencement of the meeting in which it will be in effect. Proxy statements are valid only for thirty (30) days, or for only one (1) meeting, whichever is less.
Section 8.
A Quorum exists when at least three (3) Board Members are present. If less than a quorum is present, the business meeting may be adjourned until such time as a quorum shall be present.